Business Mentoring/Coaching for Business Owners and Entrepreneurs
Invest 5 hours of your time a month
and I'll help you achieve
an extra £5,000, £10,000, £15,000 per month
on to your bottom line!
In my own experience – having owned and run several businesses over the last fifteen years, including turning one around from a loss of £103,785 to a profit of £162,275 in two years – and that of my mentor clients, this is readily achievable for those committed to really making it happen.
If you qualify as someone I'd like to work with,
then I may be able to do the same for you.
I’m guessing that you (like me!) started your business not only because you had a passion for your product or service, but also because you wanted to make a difference to those around you and to your own lifestyle.
However, whether you’ve been as successful as you’d hoped for or not, you’ve probably found the experience to date somewhat different than you imagined! While the rewards can be great, running a business can also be very demanding, time-consuming and sometimes stressful. The profits you deserve can always seem to be just around the next corner.
Many people running their own businesses feel frustrated about how much work they put in and how little they have to show for it each month. In addition, even with a team around them, many feel a sense of professional isolation and that they are carrying the world on their shoulders. Often the harder we work, the greater the sense of isolation.
You’ve probably read some business books, many of them inspiring, but how do they apply to your specific situation? Perhaps you’ve had a business advisor or consultant come to see you (who’s never run a business!). Perhaps you’ve even had a business coach (again who may never have run a real business!).
But now you want results, not more advice or kind words. Okay, yes, you want a little advice (you prefer learning from someone else’s mistakes) and, yes, when you’ve had a bad week, you like to offload to a sympathetic ear.
However, what you really want is that extra £5,000, £10,000, £15,000 plus on your bottom line – every month.
Well, if you’re prepared to give me a minimum of five hours of your time a month, irrespective of your location, I’ll give you an unlimited amount of my own time, mentoring and coaching you to help you unleash your potential – sharing with you my business knowledge gained through all the challenges, setbacks and successes I’ve had.
What other business owners have said about my business mentoring and business coaching support
Here are just a few testimonials I’ve received from some of the business owners I’ve worked with:
“Having an impartial sounding board, with no hidden agenda, is helping win new blue chip accounts and achieve faster growth. Working with Alastair is extremely powerful!”
Darren Bryant, Managing Director
Efficient Air Ltd
“You have not only provided me with great support, but more importantly given me the benefit of your commercial expertise. Knowing how you have made a company a success has inspired me to do the same.”
David Jenner, Managing Director
Esquire Print Ltd
“May I take this opportunity to thank you for your guidance and encouragement. I have no doubt that without it, I would have given up months ago. For the first time in a long time I feel full of enthusiasm and determination to make NFL work and I owe it to you. My deepest gratitude.”
Fern Longhurst, Managing Director
NFL Personnel Ltd
“I now have an increased sense of confidence; there is more certainty in the way I run my business and this is enabling me to achieve what I know I can.”
Barbara Saul, Managing Director
Elementally Ltd
“Since I have been receiving business coaching from Alastair, I have found that we are making more effective strides towards achieving our objectives at all levels, steadying our income stream, reducing our reliance on single large clients, and not losing sight of the long term at the expense of the short term.”
Michael Doggwiler, Managing Director
Forensic Marketing Ltd
“In summary, I got tremendous value from working with Alastair in a short period of time. His style of coaching was very easy to work with and his insights were a great help. I can thoroughly recommend him to anyone who is looking for a coach to take their business or themselves to the next level.”
Gary Howard, Managing Director
Monitor Services Ltd
What do you get in return for your commitment?
Different businesses have different challenges and need different solutions at different times, but regardless of their individual circumstances, apart from growing profits, my clients report that they most value a combination of the following benefits in working with me:
An impartial sounding board to test out and explore their ideas
Greater clarity on exactly what needs to be done
Greater focus on the key priorities to really take their business forward
Creative and exciting new ideas
Better (and quicker) decision making
Someone to hold them to account – enabling them to do the things they want and need to do
Greater confidence to really go for it
Can I absolutely guarantee that my mentoring support will make you an extra £5,000, £10,000, or £15,000 per month, or will do so in a certain amount of time? I’m sorry, but as much as I’d like to make a promise like this, it does also depend on you. Like all things in life, what you get out is directly linked to what you put in.
But if you qualify (see below), I believe this is readily achievable – but only if you’re really committed to making it happen.
I appreciate that your business is dynamic and alive, with new opportunities and challenges
occurring at any time. Perhaps:
You're bidding for a major new contract and need to submit revised proposals by this
Friday. What do you need to do to win it?
- It's Monday morning and your Sales Director has just handed in his notice. What are
you going to do?
There's a major problem with your biggest customer and you need to go and see them
tomorrow. How can you best turn the situation around?
You're recruiting a new Finance Director and need to decide by the end of the week
which one to take on. Who's it going to be?
You have a critical cash flow situation and need an extra £100,000 overdraft facility
quickly. How will you get the bank manager's approval?
You've got an important staff motivational presentation to give tomorrow and you know
it needs sharpening. What's going to make the difference?
You have to win over your sceptical fellow directors on a major change in strategy at
next Tuesday's board meeting. How are you going to get that critical buy-in?
Do any of these situations sound familiar? I know when issues like these came up for me, I
didn't want to wait until a week on Thursday for answers.
So, importantly, when you work with me, unlike most coaching relationships, you are not restricted to pre-scheduled sessions, but are free (and encouraged) to contact me at any time, either by phone or e-mail, whenever the need arises. (You will even have my home telephone number, though I don’t promise to answer it at 11:30pm at night! But just leave a message and I will always come back to you as soon as I can).
In a nutshell, you will receive my total commitment and passion to help you realise the profits you’re really after.
I don’t, however, make this offer to everyone. It’s important to me that I enjoy as much excitement and fun helping and supporting my mentor clients, as you will taking your business to the next level. In addition, in order to sufficiently commit to each client, I strictly limit the number of clients I work with.
To benefit from my mentoring service, you must meet the following criteria:-
- Have run your own business for a minimum of 2 years
- Have a turnover in excess of £500,000
- You thrive on change and challenge
- You are ambitious and dedicated
- You are committed to personal development
- You want net profits of 15% plus
Please note my business mentoring service is not suitable for new business start ups (my experience shows new businesses are usually really looking for specific consultancy help, normally in the area of sales/marketing) Your location, however, is not a restriction - My mentor clients are spread throughout the country
So what does this unlimited, on-tap support cost?
As you would expect, expert advice and support do not come cheap. Neither does the fact that I have structured this offer so that I am available whenever you need me. At the same time I want to give great value for money, so the figure I have settled on is £597 (+ VAT) per month.
If this sounds too much then perhaps this opportunity is not for you.
But if you are someone who appreciates that good advice and support is worth paying for, then please tell me a little bit about you and your business by completing this brief questionnaire or telephone me on 0845 658 0940. We can then arrange a convenient time for an exploratory consultation call, to see whether we would like to work together.
You may be accustomed to the offer of a money-back guarantee. But this offer is different. The reason is simple. The more committed you are, the more successful you will be. Please only reply if you're really ready to commit to being successful. Your business is not a dress rehearsal. Neither is my support. Please join with me and transform your business.
As I strictly limit the number of mentor clients I work with, I urge you to take action today.

Business Mentor and Coach
Unlimited, on tap support, whenever you need it
Click here for your application form
The Results Mentor and Coach for Success are trading names of Alastair Morrison.
Becketts Croft, Malling Road, Teston, Kent, ME18 5AR